Ancestral Healing Workshop

Ancestral Healing, or healing our intergenerational trauma is the belief that we are not merely the blood and bones of parents and our cultures, but that we carry our memories, traumas, pain as well gifts from our ancestors through Family Karma.
Popular Culture tells us that we’re independent beings, set free in all ways, but in reality, we all face challenges in our lives as a consequence of Ancestral Blocks and Family Karma.
It is, however, possible to get into a process to bring cleaning, healing, and empowerment through repair work with our ancestral lineages.
In Ascension’s most ambitious program thus far, join Sonali in not only connecting you to your ancestors but in clearing Pitrudosh and other Ancestral Blocks to bring peace in your lives and for your ancestors.

Guided Meditations

Meditations are a channel for one to go within and better their relationships with their own mental, spiritual, and physical bodies. At Ascension, Sonali makes her meditations enable introspective work to access greater consciousness by releasing negative beliefs and in turn, integrating holistic beliefs into one fold.
Through meditations on balancing Chakric Fields, Prosperity Consciousness, Integration the power of Peace in Relationships, Karmic Dispensation and Ancestral Healing, she has produced a stock of guided meditations that push everyone to their Ascension.

Angel Therapy workshops

Our Planet is governed by a host of Angels, Spirit Guides, and other Ascended Beings who help us transmute the negativity, dispense negative karma and, operate from unconditional love and light.
One such set of Angels are the Archangels, whose existence can be traced to Abrahamic religions particularly in Central Asia and Western Europe. Interestingly, both The Bible and The Quaran talk about these angels.
Through simple rituals like hosting angels, creating altars to honor them and, meditations to invoke them to beautify one’s lives, Ascension consistently strives to spread their message of Tranquility and Unity across the Globe.

21 days affirmations program

Affirmations are positive phrases or mantras that we repeat to ourselves, which describe a specific outcome or who we want to be. At first, these affirmations might appear untrue, but with constant repetition, our subconscious mind will start to believe them and eventually these affirmations become powerful tools for manifesting dreams.

Through her vast pool of knowledge, Sonali has produced immaculate results through these Affirmations in only 21 days!

30 days gratitude program

Gratitude is a high vibrational action, which means giving thanks from your heart. When you do this, energy flows from your heart and activates certain responses from other people as well as the Universe. 

Through the 21-day Gratitude Programe, Ascension works towards drawing your attention to the multiple blessings you have in your life and enables you to cope with limiting beliefs by giving you the tools to be able to take on every challenge to the best of your ability

21 days release work program

As the term itself explains, through exercises and meditations, we release what isn’t serving us and we release all past traumas and pains which are deeply embedded into our being and causing harm, by increasing our consciousness and inculcating positivity into our fold.

21 days forgiveness program

Forgiveness, much like Gratitude is one of the most empowering tools, that can help individuals emancipate themselves from the shackles of the aggressor’s wrath, regain control of their life’s narrative and initiate the process of moving on to recovering the power they lost.

In Ascension’s upcoming venture, join Sonali in healing the wounds of the past, forgiving your inner demons and the actions of those who have hurt you.

21 days mirror work for self love program

A Prayer is a tool to communicate with God. Whether we realize it or not,

God is on the other end of the phone line, listening to us all the time.

Every word and every thought we send along is a prayer, which helps transmute negative Karmic Cycles.

Through guided and curated prayers, Sonali takes us one step closer to God through the power of Ascension by our side, with prayers for ourselves, our friends, families, and Mother Earth.

21 days prayers

A Prayer is a tool to communicate with God. Whether we realize it or not,

God is on the other end of the phone line, listening to us all the time.

Every word and every thought we send along is a prayer, which helps transmute negative Karmic Cycles.

Through guided and curated prayers, Sonali takes us one step closer to God through the power of Ascension by our side, with prayers for ourselves, our friends, families, and Mother Earth.