Distance Healing Using Theta Modality

Theta Healing was a modality introduced to the World, by Vianna Stibal, who used a combination of belief-altering exercises and meditations to send healings to all animate and inanimate beings and forces all around us. Using this modality, Sonali has helped a vast number of her clients with physical comorbidities, career blocks, relationship issues, and mental health issues recover fully and lead happier lives, without even seeing them in person.
Distance Healing, therefore, has been one of Ascension’s most successful programs, which can be ratified by the testimonies of many of Sonali’s Ascenders.

Personal Counselling Sessions

Other than being a Spiritual Healer, Sonali is also a Life Coach, who has worked with 100+ Clients as a Personal Counsellor, and as a friend, philosopher and guide, helped them change their lives around
What distinguishes her work from the crowd, is her ability to not reduce her clients to their problems, but to hear them and with her empathy and knowledge, enable them to find solutions for themselves to create long-term sustainable change.

Angel Card Reading Sessions

Angel Cards Readings are amongst one of the most concise and razor-sharp techniques to find solutions to your long-standing problems.
Much like Tarot Cards, Angel Card reading works on the principle of the client asking questions, which are then answered by Sonali as a channel for the Angels, through the cards she picks out.
Our clients have not only found perspective but also seen real-time, specific answers to their problems using this technique.

Sound Healing with Gongs and Bowls

Gongs create an ocean of sound that is profoundly relaxing; a state which activates the parasympathetic nervous system. Balancing the over-amped, over-taxed sympathetic nervous system… So, even if the only benefit of a gong bath was relaxation, it is a scientifically valid healing modality.
Gong meditation helps to heal your resting nervous system, as well as helping you to tackle life on a day to day basis by relieving tension and quieting the mind. While you’ll feel deeply relaxed during the class, some people will also find it helps them to relax outside of the session, sleep better and deal with stress more easily. Gong Baths bring an intense sense of well-being and re-stabilize the balance of energies. Simply put, it’s a form of sound therapy in which a gong is played to aid healing.